La Belle Sauvage - The Book of Dust volume 1 - The Book of Dust

Hardback original


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Publisher's Synopsis

Returning to the world of Lyra and dæmons, Dust and the Magistrium, for the first time in a novel since The Amber Spyglass, Philip Pullman takes us into a magnificent new story set 10 years before the events of Northern Lights.

Eleven-year-old Malcolm Polstead and his dæmon, Asta, live with his parents at the Trout Inn near Oxford. Across the River Thames (which Malcolm navigates often using his beloved canoe, a boat by the name of La Belle Sauvage) is the Godstow Priory where the nuns live. Malcolm learns they have a guest with them; a baby by the name of Lyra Belacqua . . .

"Fans of His Dark Materials will find themselves joyfully immersed in a familiar world of daemons, alethiometers, the evil Magisterium, friendly witches and foul night-ghasts, yet also delighted by Pullman's new material; meanwhile, awaiting first-time readers is all the pleasure of commencing their own journey into this most captivating of universes at the very beginning of Lyra's story." - Independent

About the Publisher

David Fickling Books

We're new - but we've been around for a while! For nearly twelve years DFB has been run as an imprint - first as part of Scholastic, then of Random House. Now we've set up as an independent business - joining our separate but sister company, which publishes the new children's comic The Phoenix, to form a DFB Storyhouse. Exciting times!

Book information

ISBN: 9780385604413
Publisher: Random House Children's
Imprint: David Fickling Books
Edition: Hardback original
DEWEY: 823.92
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 448
Weight: 870g
Height: 163mm
Width: 242mm
Spine width: 52mm