Publisher's Synopsis
Safe Word by A.L. King
Goodbye, Casonova by A.R. Dean
Flaunt by A.R. Johnston
Love Garou by Blake Jessop
Aramis and Shelby by Catherine Kenwell
Poison Lust by Cindar Harrell
Truly Human by Clint Foster
Nice Face by D.J. Elton
Fair Game by Dannielle Viera
Sexcapades by Dawn DeBraal
Freedom by Eddie D. Moore
Primal Urging by Edward Ahern
Marionette by Erica Schaef
Zantiel by G. Allen Wilbanks
Chad by Gabriella Balcom
Of Oyster Shells by Hari Navarro
#IAmHuman by J. L. Royce
The Red Pierce Reunion by J.M. Meyer
The Fae's New Dawn by J.W. Garrett
A Cup Full of Tears by James Dorr
Prey by James Lipson
A Matter of Perception by Jason Holden
Mermaid at War by Jessica Chanese
L'amour l'mort by Jo Seysener
The Selkie's Appetite by Jodi Jenson
Lust for Life, or No Job for an Ordinary Woman by John H. Dromey
The Council of Six and a Half by K.B. Elijah
Lucifer's Lament by Lyndsey Ellis-Holloway
Sanguine Enamel by M J Christie
Unplugged by M. Sydnor Jr
Podcast of the Dead by Mark Mackey
Tiger Nut Sweets by Maura Yzmore
Taming the Beast by Maxine Churchman
Tortured Word Games by Michael D. Davis
Blooming Day by N.M. Brown
I Want You by Nerisha Kemraj
My Girl by Nicola Currie
Local Girls are Waiting For You by Raven Corinn Carluk
The Stranger by Rhiannon Bird
Some Body by Robin Braid
Good Intentions by Sandy Butchers
Digits of Doom by Serena Jayne
Damned by Stephanie Scissom
I Warned You by Stephen Herczeg
I Got a Message for You by Sue Marie St. Lee
Darkness Consumes by Terry Miller
Coitus Interruptus by Thomas Kearnes
Little Man of Apartment No 1610 by Tristan Drue Rogers
What Hears Your Prayers by Wondra Vanian
Pi by Ximena Escobar
Lust of the Dragon by Zoey Xolton