LAND OF BIRD-MEN - History of St Kilda

LAND OF BIRD-MEN - History of St Kilda

Paperback (13 Aug 2017)

  • $21.84
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Publisher's Synopsis

St Kilda is the most remote and smallest island of the Hebrides of Scotland, in the Atlantic Ocean. The storms beat it incessantly and is the realm of huge colonies of seabirds. It was the cradle of a unique and rare civilization. Men were strong and fragile at the same time, broken in all the hardships, which for centuries they have lived with the little that Nature gave them, almost only meat and bird feathers. Bird-men have lived in harmony for centuries in isolation, without laws or obligations, without wars or money. Civilization disappeared in 1930. Perhaps this was the mythical Utopia of Thomas More. St Kilda is a magical place, today protected by the National Trust for Scotland, and a Biosphere Reserve and World Heritage Site of UNESCO. This book is an exciting journey through time and space. Most enthusiasts will want to visit the place, for all the others, it will remain a fascinating world to think and dream. 264 pages - 40 pictures

Book information

ISBN: 9780244026257
Publisher: Lulu Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 264
Weight: 318g
Height: 210mm
Width: 148mm
Spine width: 14mm