Publisher's Synopsis
There is a point in your life when you know you are ready for the next step. The anticipation and excitement that dwells in your gut knowing that this was it. For me, I was about to graduate. My last exam was written and I was ready to work all summer, get ready to go off to university, and start a new chapter in my life. I knew that I was becoming the person I wanted to be. The road was paved and ready for me. I wasn't any different than any other normal high school grad. No family issues, I got along great with my parents, my brother and his best friend, and no love life to speak of. I was the picture of ordinary. In one night, my life changed. I lost everything that I knew to be my foundation. And fell, hard. The only person I had left was Max, someone I always considered to be my other brother. He stayed with me. Through the first few heart wrenching days, he stayed close even through his own pain. He became my standing stone to see things that I was blind to. Because of him, I knew I had to climb out of something so deep, that no matter which way I decided to go, my future was fated to two realities. One, I had to do something to figure out who I, Violet, now was. And two, no matter which unmanned path I took, there was no avoiding that Max was forever going to be helping me on my way. All that I know I can give in return is my shattered soul.