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Kingmaker And The Scribe: Large Print Hardcover Edition

Kingmaker And The Scribe: Large Print Hardcover Edition

Hardback (05 Apr 2021)

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Publisher's Synopsis

In ancient Egypt, the venom of a strange, hooded serpent connects two souls.

Reincarnated over and over again, their fates are forever intertwined. In times of both war and peace, one is fated to be the maker of kings and the other the narrator of their shared history. Soon, the two will have to face the one inevitable thing in their existence: change.

From Egypt 2500 BC to medieval Scotland and hundreds of years into the future, the plot of this damnable play never changes.

This is the large print edition of Kingmaker And The Scribe, with a larger font / typeface for easier reading.

Book information

ISBN: 9784867451182
Publisher: Next Chapter
Imprint: Next Chapter
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 382
Weight: 762g
Height: 234mm
Width: 156mm
Spine width: 25mm