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Kingfisher Blues

Kingfisher Blues Poems

Hardback (05 Nov 2024)

  • $38.43
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Paperback (05 Nov 2024) $24.38

Publisher's Synopsis

"At the intersection of alcoholism and recovery, Erik Reece brings an unflinching eye and raw wit to this authentic look at one man's battle with addiction. Alternating between meditations on the natural world-from luna moths to kingfishers-and gritty snapshots of the county jail, rehab center, and people who occupy these spaces with him-from strippers to soldiers-Reece ruminates on dependence, pain, and the thin line between life and death. Evocative and unfiltered, Kingfisher Blues weaves his experiences of Montana prairies, Kentucky woods, and Cumberland creeks into stories shared with neighbors, ancestors, former friends, and enduring partners. On his complicated path to sobriety, Reece's anguish transforms into the stark revelations of a poet with "bile pumping through his blood." Kingfisher Blues gathers intensely personal yet universal poems that boldly confront demons and deities while remaining skeptical about either's existenc

Book information

ISBN: 9781950564491
Publisher: Fireside Industries
Imprint: Fireside Industries
Pub date:
DEWEY: 811.54
DEWEY edition: 23/eng/20240627
Weight: 136g
Height: 218mm
Width: 142mm
Spine width: 15mm