Publisher's Synopsis
Proud new owner of the Kindle Fire HDX? Most HDX Owners Only Utilize Around 50% of Their Device's Capabilities... Your Kindle HDX Offers the Most Extensive Range of Features; More Than Any of the Previous Kindles So, are you ready to learn about these features? While the HDX may offer features you won't necessarily need, the majority of HDX owners are unaware of at least a few new applications, features, and utilities that could save them tons of time and increase the productivity/entertainment value of their device. Do You Need a User Guide? This HDX User Guide may not be required for advanced tablet users, but most users can extract incredible value out of this beginner's guide:
- Getting your device up, running, and connected to your Cloud storage
- Properly adjusting settings to secure device and content
- Creating user profiles so friends and family members of all ages can share the device
- Navigational shortcuts, tips, and lesser known maneuvers like screenshots and moving content to your home screen
- Simplifying your device's usability and making it incredibly easy to enjoy the extensive entertainment options