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Kilimanjaro & East Africa

Kilimanjaro & East Africa A Climbing and Trekking Guide : Includes Mount Kenya, Mount Meru, and the Rwenzoris

2nd Edition

Paperback (01 Oct 2006)

  • $18.71
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Publisher's Synopsis

This completely revised guide covers more than 50 routes, including summit walk-ups and serious technical climbs. It contains useful personal observations from the author, dozens of dos and don'ts to help you stay safe and a handy glossary of several local languages.

Book information

ISBN: 9781904207436
Publisher: Cordee
Imprint: Cordee
Pub date:
Edition: 2nd Edition
DEWEY: 796.5109676
DEWEY edition: 22
Number of pages: 236
Weight: 342g
Height: 212mm
Width: 139mm
Spine width: 17mm