Kid's City Guide & Journal - Exploring Toronto - Travel Edition

Kid's City Guide & Journal - Exploring Toronto - Travel Edition

Paperback (14 Nov 2022)

  • $16.06
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Publisher's Synopsis

Kids can help plan the family trip to Toronto!

Kid's City Guide & Journal - Exploring Toronto - Travel Edition let's kids 6+ learn about the fun things to do in the city they are visiting.

  • Toronto City Guide - Kids can learn fun facts about Toronto (like how it got it's name) and read about fun places to visit (like Ripley's Aquarium of Canada, Ontario Science Centre, Hockey Hall of Fame, and more).
  • Travel Journal - With pages to record travel details, pages to journal about the day, pages to doodle, and pages to keep tickets and other souvenirs, kids can record their adventures exploring different parts of the city. Makes for a great keepsake!
  • Activities - There's lots of fun activities found throughout the book to keep kids entertained - with word searches, scavenger hunts, Toronto specific trivia, and more!

Visit us at for city resources.

Book information

ISBN: 9781738646319
Publisher: My Little City Explorer
Imprint: My Little City Explorer
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 80
Weight: 118g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 4mm