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Kayden/Simon Bayou Heat Novellas - Bayou Heat

Paperback (05 Aug 2016)

  • $13.31
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Publisher's Synopsis

ENEMY TO LOVER Kayden is obsessed with revenge after his parents disappeared when he was just a cub. Now the gorgeous Hunter has discovered the man responsible for betraying them - Joshua Ford - and it's time for payback. Beginning with the kidnapping of Joshua's daughter, Bianca. But last thing he expects is to be confronted with the horrifying realization that Bianca is his mate. Will he put revenge before his chance for eternal happiness? BEAUTY AND THE BEAST Sexy male model, Simon refuses to give up his exciting life in New York City to return to the slow heat of the Wildlands. For a decade, many pantera have tried to capture the rogue Diplomat and bring him home, but all have failed. Now it's Tryst's turn. The hard, brilliant, and gorgeous, Hunter is the ultimate tracker. But can the admitted beast-girl of the Wildlands capture her prey without losing her heart in the process?

Book information

ISBN: 9781942299295
Publisher: Evil Eye Concepts Incorporated
Imprint: Evil Eye Concepts Incorporated
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 156
Weight: 236g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 9mm