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Paperback (01 Apr 2016)

  • $15.46
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Publisher's Synopsis

Gareth has published half a dozen novels, made a horror film, run a 90 kilometre race in which he bled through his shoes, successfully failed to play right wing for Manchester United, attempted the Olympics at 38, wrestled a ghost, been the spokesperson for a company whose head office exploded, been run over by a Honda, survived two almost plane crashes and is currently filming a superhero TV show. And yet Gareth's story is also your story. It's about the small moments and the big events that make up a life. About the few victories and the many defeats, the adventures and the calamities. The missteps and the madness. From his bumbling days at school, to fumbled encounters with girlfriends and disasters on the sports field and in the office ... this is a story for boys and men everywhere. And for women, of course, because contained within these pages are vital clues as to what makes the male mind tick (apart from boobs, obviously). Prepare to laugh a very, very lot.

Book information

ISBN: 9781928257127
Publisher: Bookstorm
Imprint: Bookstorm
Pub date:
Language: English
Weight: 322g
Height: 154mm
Width: 236mm
Spine width: 19mm