KS2 Maths Year 5 Targeted Study Book

KS2 Maths Year 5 Targeted Study Book - CGP Year 5 Maths

Paperback (15 Dec 2021)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Year 5 pupils (ages 9-10) will love this friendly, colourful Study Book - and it's perfectly matched to the latest curriculum! For each topic, there are straightforward study notes and plenty of clear examples explaining all the important skills, with objectives tick-boxes at the bottom of each page so that pupils can mark off their progress. Practice questions are included at the end of each section - these progress in difficulty to give pupils' understanding a thorough workout. On top of that, you'll also find Greater Depth Questions, so pupils can really test their knowledge, plus answers to every question at the back. For even more practice, don't miss our Year 5 Maths Targeted Question Book (9781847622136) - it's bursting with test-style practice for every topic!

About the Publisher

Coordination Group Publications

Since 1995 we've published over 600 titles for a massive range of courses and subjects, becoming the most popular educational publisher in the UK. In fact we're so popular that we send several lorry-loads of books from our headquarters every week. So... what's so good about our books? Basically, they're dead straightforward and lots of fun to use. We write every page in a chatty style that's easy to learn from and we slip in a few jokes (well, we think they're funny!) along the way. What's more, we want everyone to use our books, so we work really hard to make sure they're top-notch for the lowest possible prices.

Book information

ISBN: 9781847621924
Publisher: Coordination Group Publications Ltd (CGP)
Imprint: Coordination Group Publications
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 80
Weight: 204g
Height: 296mm
Width: 205mm
Spine width: 6mm