Publisher's Synopsis
Just F*cking Color 4: Midnight in the Jungle
by Cynthia Van Edwards
[SAFE (Without Profanity) CONTENT] Don't fret, my fine feathered friends and colorists, Cynthia Van Edwards is here to save you another wasted night of sleep and pointless cable station surfing. That's right, the 4th installment in the Just F*cking Color series is here for your coloring pleasures.
It's easy to get really angry sometimes... so we started coloring swear words.
In this installment we decided to focus on a new kind of Coloring Page-we have designed 48 stunning, fully Blacked out 'midnight' pages with white wire-frames so that you actually color the inverse of your normal designs. It makes anyone into a brilliant artist because you literally cannot mess up.
Why? Because people are kind of douchey these days and we all need a little down time to relax.
Just F*cking Color 4 Midnight in the Jungle is for you!
So let your creativity and coloring prowess go wild with these beautiful designs and have a little fun. You know what, have a glass of wine and have a lot of fun... But don't text. No, we must restrict and resist the urge to text after a glass of wine because that would lead to you texting all your ex's and that is just a mess waiting to happen.
Show your support or contempt with your pens, pencils, crayons, markers, or lipstick! The main idea with this book was to provide the colorist with brilliant and stunning images to color, but then to really shake things up by splicing in dirty quotes, swear words, clever but vulgar sayings, sh*t like that. It's an eye raping to be sure. Only until you finish coloring each image will the true profanity take it's shape. So be brilliant you son (or daughter) of a b*tch! Show us what you've got!
This book has been a collaborative effort between artists, designers, and psychologists. This book not only soothes you, but also increases mental stimulation. The pictures and designs may seem random at first glance, but they're anything but.
Our idea with this project was to both inspire you, and increase neuronal activity and stimulation in a way that activates very unique parts of your mind. There are fields of research suggesting that both children and adults who work with coloring books and designs can effectively raise their IQ.
So have fun, relax, let the markers and pens do what they will, and hang on for an incredible, mind altering ride!
We hope to give the designer (you) a very introspective and mind expanding experience.