Publisher's Synopsis
With Jump the Devil, Richard Rathwell has masterfully interwoven the plots of five seemingly unrelated storylines to create one coherent narrative that spans the globe and works to blend the seemingly mundane with the profound, deftly providing readers the necessary clues to unlocking the story. Transcending borders, cultures, generations, and social mores, Jump the Devil brings to life the notion of the global village as it exists in the 21st Century. Rathwell's writing is "a fistful of sentences written with the subtlety of a geisha and the terse certainty of stainless steel." - John Olson, Author "There must have been a bad bite. Something had gestated. He wasn't imagining it. There were wet, frozen pebbles tumbling in his veins. There was a sugary sense of euphoria, a smell of orange blossoms, of piss, of diesel."