Publisher's Synopsis
If you drive a car, this book is a must! It was over four years ago when the Author received a minor traffic ticket, and went to court as a Pro Se (without an attorney). From the beginning he became a victim of the judge's willful judicial double standard misconduct. Over the next four years he submitted several complaints with documented proof of old and new issues to the higher appellate court system. The appeal courts then condoned the judicial errors and misconduct and the Author's appeals were rebuffed. With no other recourse, the Author submitted his complaints to the state oversight agency, the California Commission on Judicial Performance. The Commission itself operates without any state agency oversight, makes its own rules, has a separate budget, and functions with complete autonomy. We are a country of laws that mandates the behavior of citizens, and defines the government mandate authority to protect individual rights. Thus, try to form a mental picture in your mind about a young married couple that drive their cars daily to and from work. At the end of work they drive through heavy traffic and arrive back home about the same time. After they drive home they prepare and eat their evening meal, then clear the table, and fill the dishwasher. They go to the living room to watch the bleak evening news on television, put the kids to bed, and sit down to relax and read a book. They each have a copy of this book. When they had finished reading their books, they looked at each other and wondered out-loud, "How in the world can that happen here? Damn! This is America!!