Jewish Medical Practitioners in the Medieval Muslim World

Jewish Medical Practitioners in the Medieval Muslim World A Collective Biography - Non-Muslim Contributions to Islamic Civilisation

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Publisher's Synopsis

This book collects and analyses the available biographical data on 600 Jewish medical practitioners in the Muslim world in the 9-16th centuries. The biographies are based mainly on information gathered from the wealth of primary sources found in the Cairo Geniza (letters, commercial documents, court orders, lists of donors) and Muslim Arabic sources (biographical dictionaries, historical and geographical literature). The practitioners come from various socio-economic strata and lived in urban as well as rural locations in Muslim countries. Both the biographies and the accompanying discussion shed light on various views and aspects of the medicine practised in this period by Muslim, Jews and Christians, as well as issues such as professional, daily and personal lives; successes and failures; families; Jewish communities; and inter-religious affairs.

About the Publisher

Edinburgh University Press

Book information

ISBN: 9781474483988
Publisher: Edinburgh University Press
Imprint: Edinburgh University Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 610.92392401767
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 528
Weight: 804g
Height: 242mm
Width: 250mm
Spine width: 39mm