Publisher's Synopsis
Jesus Loves you are the words that every believer needs to have on the tip of their tongues. These three words are so powerful and effective that they can penetrate even the hardest of hearts. God is reaffirming His love to the world that nothing can separate us from the love of Christ. There are so many people throughout the world today, who have been wounded and scared emotionally, physically and mentally. They have felt the pain of rejection from society. Jesus loves you are activating words that can bring deliverance, salvation and healing to the lost and broken hearted. Jesus is the name above every name and when His name is mentioned, miracles take place. So always remember and never forget that Jesus loves you. PAUL MILLAR was born in England and raised in Ireland. As a young man life led Paul down many diverse roads and into many countries. Through a series of events, he was led to America. On the streets of Los Angeles he met an angel of the Lord who told him that "Jesus Loves You," and Paul was stopped in his tracks. It was shortly thereafter that he obeyed God's call on his life. Paul is founder of Christian Chaplains Association of America which trains and equips fellow laborers to work in Prisons and hospitals in New York and through out America. God has ordered Paul's footsteps into divine appointments with many in leadership to bring unity to the body of Christ. The Lord is using Paul to encourage and mobilize other believers to step forth into the harvest and work the "greater works" that Jesus spoke of.