Publisher's Synopsis
If you are curious, you probably ask the question "why" more than most - except if you're young. All children are curious, and most parents wish there weren't quite so many "whys." However, if you are reading these pages. you are undoubtedly well past the preschool "why" stage. So why would you ask questions of this book? There are two reasons: Firstly the book is written in poetry and that puts it into a minority category. In introducing myself I told you it is book four in a series. The first took twelve years on and off and totals 1000 pages - quite a tome! The next two and this one are a modest length. I discovered rhyming couplets were an attention catching way to read the Bible so continued the write in the same genre. The second reason is that I use the first person singular as the perspective. This added impact to books two and three, New Testament Profiles in Poetry and First Testament Profiles in Poetry. The nearly two hundred people featured in the bible story are able to describe the impact Jesus had on shaping their lives - and it was profound. Imagine for instance that you'd been crippled for 38 years, and Jesus one day asked if you wanted to stand and walk. I'd definitely say "yes" and he did too. A minute later you were dancing. Wow - what a day! But this book takes a step further. Jesus is talking about what he did, and why he did it, and the outcomes and learnings you can take from each unique encounter. I hope you don't find it sacrilegious that I put words into the mouth of Jesus in poetry. My justification - The apostle John concludes his writing by saying if all Jesus said and did were written the earth could not contain the scrolls! So here it is - Jesus sharing what it was like to create, to guide patriarchs, judges, kings and prophets. To meet scribes and rulers, disciples and sick people, the rich and the poor and change their lives. And to give us a peep into the future. Enjoy reading.