Je Peux Lire! Niveau 2: Clifford Aux Olympiades

Je Peux Lire! Niveau 2: Clifford Aux Olympiades - Je Peux Lire Niveau 2

Paperback (01 May 2014) | French

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Publisher's Synopsis

See below for English description.

Les livres de la collection Je peux lire! sont con?us par des sp?cialistes en ?ducation afin de favoriser l'apprentissage de la lecture.

Clifford et ?milie participent aux olympiades de l'?cole. Clifford se lance dans la course en sac, puis il essaie de franchir trois haies d'un seul bond. Oups! Le voil? maintenant qui aide ?milie ? gagner la lutte ? la corde. Mais l'entra?neur lui annonce qu'il est trop gros pour jouer. Le gros chien rouge r?ussit alors ? gagner bien plus qu'une m?daille. Bravo Clifford!

Based on the best research about how children learn to read, Scholastic Readers (Je peux lire!) series is developed under the supervision of reading experts and are educator approved.

Clifford comes along with ?milie for Field Day at school. The big red dog bounces through the sack race, tries to jump over the hurdles in one leap, and even helps ?milie win a tug-of-war. But when the coach tells Clifford that he is too big to play, Clifford finds a way to win our hearts instead of a medal!

Original title: Clifford's Field Day

About the Publisher


Scholastic is an award-winning publisher of original children's books. Scholastic publishes more than 600 new hardcover, paperback, and novelty books each year. The list includes the phenomenally successful publishing properties Harry Potter and Captain Underpants, the beloved series Clifford The Big Red Dog, Goosebumps, The 39 Clues, I Spy, Bone, The Magic School Bus, Fly Guy, Geronimo Stilton, and The Hunger Games trilogy.

Book information

ISBN: 9781443136204
Publisher: Scholastic Canada
Imprint: Scholastic
Pub date:
Language: French
Number of pages: 32
Weight: 73g
Height: 227mm
Width: 154mm
Spine width: 3mm