Publisher's Synopsis
James De Vere 33 is dedicated to Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford, who according to argument was William Shakespeare. Roger Stritmatter Ph. D, General Editor of, "The Poems of Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford . . . and the Shakespeare Question: He that Takes the Pain to Pen the Book," 2019, is a forceful argument for de Vere as the true author of the works of William Shakespeare.You are reading here thirty-three love poems crafted via voice-to-text and with a mobile phones' predictive text function. This book's aim is to break all the rules of English whilst adding to the eternal Shakespeare Question: "Was William Shakespeare Royal?" This book is also a reply to Stritmatter's work and supports the, "Oxfordian," argument for de Vere as the real author of Shakespeare. James De Vere ` Sofala ` ' 2019