Publisher's Synopsis
I must always give recognition to my Creator and HeavenlyFather for giving me the gift and talents to use to establish HisKingdom. Secondly I want to dedicate this children's book toLes Brown, My daughter Princess Judaiah and to an unknownseven year old boy.Les Brown taught me, "You gotta be HUNGRY". If you want todo great things and achieve your goals, you have to be sohungry, you are driven with PASSION. It was Les Brown whoinspired me to use THOSE WORDS for the title of my book"IT'S NEVER OVER UNTIL I WIN". Mr. Brown played a simplegame with his son called connect four. His son continuallycame to play the game. When Les was tired of winning and hisson wanted him to continue to play the boy would say, "Itsnever over until I win". I hope this story will inspire your childto develop a winning attitude.I want to also recognize my daughter who is now 10 but threeyears ago she asked me to come to her class when she was ingrade two to read to her class mates. I was excited because Ilove storytelling. The book I chose to read was a classic. It iscalled Green Eggs and Ham. I have seven children which grewup hearing the tales of Sam I Am. I have read Green Eggs And Ham to my children a thousand times. It was my favouritebook and my children loved it.So there I am in the class room with two dozen bright eyedseven year olds. They came out of their seats, sat down in thereading area and waited for me to start reading. After theteacher introduced me, I started to orate. I am not just readingthe story, I am doing voices and facial expressions and the kidswere all enjoying my entertainment. At least I thought theywere all enjoying my telling of the story. As I looked up andglanced at their smiles and bright eyes, I noticed one little boywas looking at me behind his spectacles with a frown on hisface and the most curious look I can possibly imagine. Thisunknown seven years old boy has taken me out of character.His curious stare was too penetrating for me to continue so Istarted to stare back at him. He then realized he has myundivided attention so the boy spoke with a hand gesture ofcuriosity and said this, 'BUT IT JUST DOESN'T MAKE ANYSENSE'. I immediately broke out in laughter and eased thetension. Green Eggs and Ham is not suppose to make sense.It is a book written with poetry and the boy was right. this boywas not enjoying my company and my captivating personality.He was being tortured and I was the tortureeThat statement that came from that unknown boy hasimpacted me to the point that I have not read that bookagain. I realized this generation upon us is growing up in theinformation age and Life has to make sense. That is the final straw that made me realize my books have to make sense. Idedicate this book to all the unknown seven year olds. EnjoyPowerfulSteveDirector of DestinyAIM HIGH.......SPREAD WINGS.......FLYY!!!