Publisher's Synopsis
Is your congregation shrinking? Is the church building showing its age? Are you struggling to fill committee slots? Are you unable to offer quality programming? Can you no longer fund a full-time minister? Are you feeling tired, depressed, or frustrated with the state of your church?
Many committed Christians despair about the future of their churches. But, while It Works for Us: Exploring Best Practices in Partially Funded Ministry acknowledges the current challenges most churches face, it drives toward potential solutions and uncovers how churches might thrive with fewer resources. Discover how other churches have explored best practices for establishing long-term health and vibrant ministry, and test their innovative practices. Experiment with identified vitality components to discover how you too can determine the strength and potential in your congregation. Respond to issues with creative, practical, and positive action. Find your good future.
Grounded in clear empirical data, gleaned from a nation-wide survey and from mainline Canadian denominations, It Works for Us analyses the trends in current ministry, explores aspects of congregational morale, encourages courageous, uncomfortable, and tender conversations, and offers hope for the future of the Christian church in Canada. It is a natural follow-up to the author's previous study, It's Real Ministry: How Part-time and Bi-vocational Clergy are Challenging and Empowering the Church and is a valuable tool for today's clergy, lay persons, and congregations.