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It All Began With a Goodbye...

It All Began With a Goodbye...

Paperback (03 Jan 2025)

  • $17.18
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Publisher's Synopsis

What would you do if you lost your mother when you were 12, your father abandoned you at age 15, only to return when you were 16, taking a family treasure you thought he didn't deserve to have, then leaving you with no means of support again? You would do what Sarah Steinman did: help her grandmother raise her two younger siblings in Passaic, New Jersey, post-World War II, and try to go on with life. A spirited young woman, Sarah starts her career in bookkeeping with a dream job at Thomas Finance Co. Her diligence in her work leads her to discover a shocking embezzlement scheme. Sarah's belief in justice, her drive, and her perseverance compels her to investigate further. What she unearths about the scheme and those involved makes Sarah doubt herself and everyone around her.

Book information

ISBN: 9781684986439
Publisher: Publishing Services Consortium, LLC (Psc)
Imprint: Newman Springs
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 198
Weight: 295g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 11mm