Publisher's Synopsis
In Israel and the Cyber Threat, Charles D. ("Chuck") Freilich, Matthew S. Cohen, and Gabi Siboni provide a detailed and comprehensive study of Israel's cyber strategy, tracing it from its origins to the present. They analyze Israel's highly advanced civil and military cyber capabilities and organizational structures to offer insights into what other countries can learn from Israel's experience. To achieve this, they explore how and why Israel has been able to build a remarkable cyber ecosystem and turn itself, despite its small size, into a global cyber power. The book further examines the major cyber threats facing Israel, including the most in-depth look at Iranian cyber policies and attacks; Israel's defensive and offensive capabilities and the primary attacks it has conducted; capacity building; international cooperation; and the impact of Israel's strategic culture on its cyber prowess. By placing Israel's actions in the realm of international relations theory, the book sheds light on many of the major questions in the field regarding cyber policies. The most authoritative work to date on Israeli cyber strategy, this book provides a comprehensive look at the major actions Israel has taken in cyberspace. It also places them in the broader context of global cyber developments to help listeners understand state behavior in cyberspace.