Islam and Assisted Reproductive Technologies: Sunni and Shia Perspectives

Islam and Assisted Reproductive Technologies: Sunni and Shia Perspectives - Fertility, Reproduction and Sexuality

Paperback (01 Sep 2015)

  • $39.85
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Publisher's Synopsis

How and to what extent have Islamic legal scholars and Middle Eastern lawmakers, as well as Middle Eastern Muslim physicians and patients, grappled with the complex bioethical, legal, and social issues that are raised in the process of attempting to conceive life in the face of infertility? This path-breaking volume explores the influence of Islamic attitudes on Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ARTs) and reveals the variations in both the Islamic jurisprudence and the cultural responses to ARTs.

Book information

ISBN: 9781785330452
Publisher: Berghahn Books
Imprint: Berghahn Books
Pub date:
DEWEY: 618.17806
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 346
Weight: 524g
Height: 264mm
Width: 228mm
Spine width: 31mm