Publisher's Synopsis
What exactly IS energy healing? Some call it a miracle. Others write it off as some kind of lucky coincidence or mind trick. Some worry that there is some deviltry in it, while others are intrigued by it but just need a straight explanation (without all the smoke and mirrors) before they are willing to consider it as healing alternative. If you are in any of those categories, this book is for you. It is a simple, straightforward, practical guide to energy healing that doesn't try to peddle one brand of it and that answers the basic questions about it for someone who is just curious, or wary, or downright bewildered by it all. Questions like:
- What exactly is energy healing, and how does it work?
- Who and what can it heal? Will it help me?
- Why are there so many different energy therapies?
- Which should I choose, if any? Are some better than others?
- How do I find a good healer?
- How long will it take for me to heal?
- Can anyone learn to do energy healing?
- Is it some kind of occult practice?
- Is it incompatible with my religion?