Is It Harmful, Is It Healthy?

Is It Harmful, Is It Healthy? Around the South African Home - A Complete Guide to Whatas Good for You and What Isn'T


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Publisher's Synopsis

One day you hear something is bad for you, and a month later studies show it actually has a beneficial effect. More and more, South Africans are bombared with confusing and conflicting information. Does wearing fashionable high heels result in foot problems? Are insect repellents dangerous? Can you take many vitamin supplements? Do hair dyes cause cancer? Are diet pills the easy way to melt away fat? Will marinading meat make a braai safer? This title clears up the confusion about what's good for you and what isn't, and puts your needless worries to rest. Best of all, it's packed with practical tips you can use every day to help you safeguard you health.

Book information

ISBN: 9781919750521
Publisher: Reader's Digest,South Africa
Imprint: Reader's Digest,South Africa
Number of pages: 224