Invasion Revealed

Invasion Revealed Healing Alcoholism, Mental Illness & Drug Addiction

Paperback (20 Mar 2019)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Invasion Revealed explains the negative elements that invade our mental realm from a spiritual perspective. Alcoholism, drug addiction, mental illness, Alzheimer's, and other similar illnesses are caused by the individual's unintentional neglect and ignorance of the spirit nature of the Self. These illnesses affect millions of people worldwide. Even so, our customs change slowly, and thousands suffer and die while we wait for a different approach to healing. Whether prescribed or recreational, drugs are still drugs. A drug problem cannot be healed with another drug. Professionals who offer help need to understand the spiritual invasion that is causing the dysfunction, and sick people must be trained to think differently about themselves before they can recover. Invasion Revealed explains the specific words and techniques needed to change your mental atmosphere into a place of peace and tranquility.

Book information

ISBN: 9798893890426
Publisher: Arpress
Imprint: Arpress
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 58
Weight: 100g
Height: 216mm
Width: 140mm
Spine width: 4mm