Publisher's Synopsis
Book 1 of 3- A contemporary fiction novel that touches on many different genres- fantasy, suspense, historical and more. Great for YA/Adult readers. This book is filled with thought provoking imagery that will change your view of people in your life.
Books 2 & 3 to be released soon.
If you had the ability to change someone's fate would you?
"Vivid dreams plagued me throughout the night; I could only vaguely remember the earlier ones, but the last nightmare had woken me abruptly this morning leaving me gasping for air. "
"It had started simply enough, I was walking through a long meadow, my hands outstretched, brushing the waist high grass. The sun was warm on my face. It was summertime, and I wore a thin blue cotton dress adorned with tiny white flowers, wide straps across my shoulders, the material tickling my calves. My hair was long and caught in a warm breeze, the chocolate brown tendrils spinning like a kite tail behind me. "
"Gabriel materialized in the field, his blue eyes matching the bright sky. His smile was mesmerizing, his skin glowing. It was a radiant shine that brightened the day even more. He wore brown pants and a plain white cotton shirt with no collar that was open at the throat as if the clothes were from a different time. When I noticed him, his hands reached for me. I started towards his direction, slowly at first and then picking up speed. The grass swished around me, and it was soft under my bare feet. The faster I went the further away he was. "
"He encouraged me, "Run, Jenna.""
"I smiled and tried to sprint. My foot became tangled in the grass, and I spilled forward, twisting, and the meadow cushioned my fall. He was beside me in an instant, catching my head before it hit the earth. His right hand grabbed mine, clutching it to his chest in a tender embrace. Gabriel's face was over the top of mine, a concerned worry pulling his mouth into a frown. I dissolved into a fit of giggles, and he laughed with me. "
"He stared at me with such a longing; I shivered even now. Gabriel's expression became serious, and before I could question him, he kissed me. I relished his warm lips as they push against mine, capturing the moment like a photograph in my head. He pressed harder and then pulled away quickly. "
"When I opened my eyes his gaze was still upon me, but his features were now dark, and his crystal irises clouded with worry. He whispered, "Run, Jenna.""
"Suddenly I found the pasture empty; Gabriel was nowhere in sight and in my hand there was a strange coin. Frightened, I tried to shout for him, but I couldn't form any words. The green grass suddenly faded to grey and then to bare dirt. Surveying my surroundings, I was shocked to find that I was in the middle of a cemetery with tombstones sticking at awkward angles out of the ground. A scream froze in my throat as I stumbled to my feet. My dress was dirty, and my feet caked with soil. I stumbled along, angry raindrops falling from a threatening sky. The field was filled with hundreds of memorials, and I ran, weaving between them, careful not to touch a single granite stone. "
"Ahead of me was a large tree, thick and black, ominous. Under it, I could barely make out a figure in the pouring rain. As I got closer, I swore it was my father's stature, facing away from me. I moved towards it, trying to make it to safety as lightning cracked overhead. Mud flung from my feet, leaving spotted dots on my dress but I didn't care. My slick, dirty hand grasped the token, my hair now soaked. "
"I came to stop outside of the perimeter of the tree, a distinct line between wet and dry, like a waterfall with shelter behind it. I stood trembling, the rain coming down in sheets, the body just out of reach. I took a breath and reached through the water curtain touching the person's arm. As they turned, I gasped..."