Inside the Nye Ham Debate

Inside the Nye Ham Debate Revealing Truths from the Worldview Clash of the Century

Paperback (21 Oct 2014)

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Publisher's Synopsis

With Millions watching this live debate on February 4, 2014, "Bill Nye, the Science Guy" squared off with Answers in Genesis founder and president Ken Ham. This event echoed the worldviews at work in our lives today and put two of the most unique and recognizable advocates of their positions on the same stage to face not only each other, but the many who watched. More answers, more perspectives, more truth to answer the world's most critical question: How did we and all we know come to be here, at this place and this time in the history of the universe? Are we accidental products of evolution or the centerpiece of God's marvelous creation?

Debate Stats:

Over 3.8 Million computers watched the debate live

7.6 Million people watched (Based on an extremely conservative estimate of 2 viewers per stream, or 11.4 Million based on 3 people per stream)

3.5 million views on You Tube

Note: The YouTube Page only shows views AFTER the event, not Live views.

Book information

ISBN: 9780890518571
Publisher: Master Books
Imprint: Master Books
Pub date:
DEWEY: 231.7652
Language: English
Number of pages: 392
Weight: 544g
Height: 226mm
Width: 150mm
Spine width: 30mm