Publisher's Synopsis
"Pray about it" should have been the one line that got Chayce through the turmoil of what she called life. Especially considering she was First Lady of Garden of Zion Baptist and the wife of mega pastor Deleon Rush. But after a life of struggles and secrets she vowed to take to her grave, praying about any situation didn't help like her grandmother said it would.As life begins to unravel uncontrollably, in comes Saint Casey. The world wind of rumors racing about his illegal affairs and his supposed ties to the mafia only entices Chayce. If he was the monster that everyone said he was, why did Chayce want him the way she did? Something about Saint summoned the heat inside of Chayce.Like the Devil was once an Angel kicked into the pits of Hell, Chayce soon realizes how Saint is the complete opposite of his name. The pain she's been running from her entire life soon manifests in the man she thought was her saving grace. Is Saint the only man that can save her? Or will this affair destroy her, bringing her to the brinks of Insanity?