Publisher's Synopsis
The key contributions of this conference focused on "3D Printing Multifunctional Materials and Advanced Composites", "From 3D Printing to Biomedical Applications, "Ultraprecision Machining of Freeform Surfaced Components and Devices", "Nanoparticle-Enhanced Fluids" and "Manufacturing Computationally Designed Wearables via 3D Printing".
Keywords: Carbon Fibre Reinforced Thermoplastic, 3D Printing, Laser Melting in a Powder Layer, TiO₂-ABS Composite Filaments, Cutting Tools, Spinning Tool, Cold Plastic Deformation, Ideas Diagram Method, Surface Roughness, Automatic Real-Time Detection, Electrochemical Discharge Drilling, Digital Twins, Metallised Plastic Products, Milling Process, Tube Extrusion, Shear Banding, Laser Machining, Mutually Intersecting Surfaces, ZnMg-Y Biodegradable Alloy, Deep Cryogenic Treatment, Recycled Carbon Fibre, Incremental Deformation, Wear Resistance of Surface Layers, Artificial Intelligence, Digital Modeling, Pressure Pipe, Smart Manufacturing, Noise Reduction, 3D Visualization.