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Innovation Research in Technology and Engineering Management

Innovation Research in Technology and Engineering Management A Philosophical Approach - Routledge Focus on Business and Management

Paperback (09 Oct 2024)

  • $26.52
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Hardback (02 Mar 2021) $77.15

Publisher's Synopsis

Philosophy may not seem to be an obvious source to discover methods for successful product innovation management. However, this book shows that systematic reflection on the nature of product innovation management, supported by insights from the philosophy of technology, can illuminate the innovation process in technology and engineering.

Presenting methodological guidelines and philosophical reflections, this book guides readers through each phase of product innovation. At each step, ideas from the philosophy of technology are translated into practical guidelines for managing these processes. The book works through the philosophical perspectives on innovation, methods in innovation design and research, and the value and ethical implications of innovation.

Bridging the gap between philosophical context and practical methodologies, this book will be highly valuable for postgraduate students and academics researching and teaching innovation and philosophy of technology.

About the Publisher


Routledge is the world's leading academic publisher in the Humanities and Social Sciences. We publish thousands of books and journals each year, serving scholars, instructors, and professional communities worldwide. Our current publishing programme encompasses groundbreaking textbooks and premier, peer-reviewed research in the Social Sciences, Humanities, and Built Environment. We have partnered with many of the most influential societies and academic bodies to publish their journals and book series. Readers can access tens of thousands of print and e-books from our extensive catalogue of titles. Routledge is a member of Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business.

Book information

ISBN: 9780367677695
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Imprint: Routledge
Pub date:
DEWEY: 658.575
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 62
Weight: 453g
Height: 216mm
Width: 138mm
Spine width: 4mm