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Inklings Book 2018

Inklings Book 2018

Paperback (26 Aug 2018)

  • $19.04
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Publisher's Synopsis

Embrace imagination in eighteen fanciful stories and poems by passionate young authors. This tenth-anniversary edition of the annual Inklings Book anthology features work by young writers in grades three through nine. Covering subjects from heartache to gnome safety, each piece is a daydream an Inkling brought into reality--with the help of grown-up author-mentors guiding revisions! Part storybook, part teaching tool, Inklings Book 2018 can both inspire and guide your literary flights of fancy.

Featuring work by these Young Inklings: Ksenia Baatz, Anna Birman, Jeein Choi, Adam Collins, Alexa Friesel, Mito Funatsu, Allison Gable, Nuala Kilroy, Padma Madhyasta, Amann Mahajan, Claire McNerney, Sanjay Ravishankar, Eva Salvatierra, Shinjini Samanta, Ember Summer, Max Wang, Anna Yang, Liana Zhu.

At Society of Young Inklings, we mentor young authors because we know learning to think creatively opens every door. We offer resources, game-based workshops, and one-on-one mentorships to help young authors discover and shape their stories. Find out more about our programs at

Book information

ISBN: 9780998184944
Publisher: Society of Young Inklings, Inc
Imprint: Society of Young Inklings, Inc
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 294
Weight: 395g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 16mm