Publisher's Synopsis
Inexorable is a true love story, actually a love letter from one woman's soul to her beloved husband. Bozenka and Brian were wild, daring, shy intelligent and utterly committed lovers for 30 years until Brian's death. Breathtakingly poignant, this unorthodox and yet traditional love story lifts the reader up to the height of love's ecstasy that also knows the power of the deepest sorrow of true love.
Raw and poetic, mind opening and heart throbbing... We are generously allowed into the lives of this deeply private couple. Theirs was a rare love formula, commit everything, sacrifice all, regret nothing. A real-life love story, Inexorable touches the truth in our own heart. The truth is that we all hope to love and to be loved without fear of losing that love. Most of us have loved and loved again and most of us, just like Brian, before meeting Bozenka, have become numb from repeated disappointments. Then it happened, like an unexpected, life-giving storm in the desert. Just when he had almost given up on love all together, Brian met Bozenka at a Christmas party. She was not looking for anyone, really. She had already settled for a handsome, reputable, lukewarm lover and that was that until the moment she laid eyes on Brian... The unthinkable happened - true love happened. Bozenka was 40 and Brian was 57 when they met yet the wildly passionate tale of their mature love is anything but sedate, filled with fiery romance, tenderness and big ideas, documented by the whimsical, witty and profound poems they wrote to each other over 3 decades. The reader gets a rare glimpse behind the curtains into the loving conversations, sweet, intimate moments but also into the turbulent times of conflict, family dramas, struggle and anguish. Witnessing how their inspiring love moves through such storms of life we cannot help but fall in love with both of them and to dream of such a love for ourselves. In the last days of his palliative care she said to him, weeping, "My dear one, you must remember me. Don't let death erase my lips from your lips. Don't forget me because no one is going to love you more or better... You let me in as your immortal beloved, the one who laughs at that popular saying, until death do us part. Never apart from you! That is my undying wish..." And he smiled, "Bozenka, even your grief is adorable." This book is a gift to a world that is hungering for such genuine stories that fill our hearts and minds with what is possible. It reminds you that it is never too late for love and the best things are always worth waiting for.