Publisher's Synopsis
Industrial Organisation: An analysis of competitive markets John Lipczynski and John WilsonSpecially written for the growing number of students studying industrial economics, Essentials of Industrial Organisation provides a strong link between the theory and analysis of economics and real world application of the theory to the business environment. This new book covers the theories of industrial organisation where necessary and emphasises practical business applications through the use of case studies and assignment questions. Many cases are drawn from the Financial Times, providing vivid and entertaining descriptions of industrial market structures and patterns of firm and industry behaviour. Key Features? Strikes a balance between abstract theory, econometric analysis and an appreciation of how theory applies to the real world. ? Packed with case study material, many cases drawn from the pages of the FT. ? Full pedagogy including chapter objectives, end of chapter questions, key terms, references.? Written from a European perspective, focusing wherever possible on European research and case studies. ?;Provides extensive article and book references, as well as a large bibliography which will act as a springboard for readers wishing to pursue the subject at a higher level.? Provides an introduction to regression analysis in an appendix.Essentials of Industrial Organisation will appeal to second and third year undergraduates on both economics and business related courses who are following a course in industrial organisation or industrial economics. It is assumed that readers would have a reasonable knowledge of basic economic and statistical theory. This book will also be of use to managers who wish to develop their understanding of strategic issues through the study of industrial organisation. Dr John Lipczynski is a Principal Lecturer at London Guildhall Universityfor the Department of Business Studies, specialising in microeconomics and industrial economics. He is the course organiser for the part-time Business degree.Dr John Wilson is a lecturer in the Department of Management at St.Andrews University, specialising in Industrial Organisation, Banking and Managerial Economics.;He was previously a lecturer at London Guildhall University andvisiting lecturer at University of Wales, Bangor.