Publisher's Synopsis
Why learn Incredible English and more? "If the brain is stimulated and enjoying what it's doing then you learn more. If it's too easy, it slides over you, but if it's a bit more challenging it stays." Author Sarah Phillips is an expert in CLIL and how the brain learns. Brain-challenging activities Every activity in Incredible English has been specially designed to challenge the brain, making learning English more exciting for you and your class. Activities such as 'spot the difference' games are made more challenging by changing the position and size of the objects in the picture. This means students have to work harder to engage with the activity so they learn more, and retain it! CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) - a lesson in every unit combines language learning with learning other school subjects and skills through English, so your class will learn more. Social skills - the songs in every unit teach social and life skills. All learning styles - a wide range of activities and resources appeal to every child no matter what their learning style. Now there are new resources for more incredible lessons:
- A new starter level
- More support for story telling with face masks, animation and tear out story books
- More skills development activities for speaking, reading and writing
- More grammar practice
- More support for Cambridge English: Young Learners
- More digital support
- New information gap activities for pair work.
- Story-telling support with masks, puppets and story frames.
- Practice of the sounds of English via tongue twisters.
- More cross cultural insights through folk tales and the Me and My World pages.
- Longer texts and new genres (emails, blogs)
- Focus on improving writing and new writing tips which support literacy skills and independent writing.
- Carefully-staged writing frameworks develop your learners' confidence in writing English.