Publisher's Synopsis
Today Stephen Graham is a filmmaker, author, recording artist, health and fitness professional, and mentor. The physical and psychological world, in which he once lived, was far different to his present reality. Experiencing various aspects of rejection from early in his childhood, a problematic broken home, and a stepfather from hell, Stephen found a false sense of security on the streets. His wild choices, fueled by the trauma of his youth, the countless encounters with the law, his restless nature and unsettled mind, were the root causes that led him to travel regularly between the UK and Jamaica, until one day he never returned. Stephen found himself incarcerated on the island of the sun, sentenced for manslaughter. Having more time on his hands than one could wish for, through reminiscing, Stephen had to face the troubles of his past life, while fighting to survive incarceration. Incarceration JA, gives an in-depth look at Stephen's experience in the penal system on the island of Jamaica, which wasn't quite so beautiful; a place where the smallest things triggered violent outbursts. Street wars continued behind the bars, prison gangs routinely formed for protection, and acts of cruelty between inmates could be unbelievably inhumane. In this book, Stephen goes back and forth reliving his youthful days and many horrific experiences, while addressing the contributory factors that led to his life choices. Not only does he share his personal experiences, he also analyses his past via his current mindset, seeing his pitfalls and decisions, and expressing them in a completely different light.By sharing his story, Stephen aims to equip individuals, families and the global community with a deeper understanding of the importance of self-love, history and culture, which are key factors in the reduction of broken homes, youth violence, and desensitisation. It's essential to identify the notion and principle of change, for it to occur.