Publisher's Synopsis
You may have heard the saying that the Gospel of John is shallow enough for a child to wade in, yet deep enough for an elephant to swim--meaning that any literate Christian can adequately understand it, but there is depth of meaning below the surface that is well worth the effort to explore. In the Beginning Was the Word invites you to go deeper.Like an expert diving instructor, pastor and biblical scholar James M. Hamilton Jr. gives you the tools and training necessary to discover the theological treasures found in the literary structure undergirding John's Gospel. Covering both the overall structure of the book, as well as key repetition of terms, phrases, concepts, and themes, Hamilton helps you understand what John wanted his readers to understand about Jesus's claims of Old Testament fulfillment, his human and divine natures, the triune nature of God, and more.Perfect for pastors, Bible teachers, seminary students, and anyone who wants a fresh, theologically rich experience reading the book of John.