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In the Arena Stories of Political Life

In the Arena Stories of Political Life

Paperback (01 Sep 2024)

  • $19.79
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Publisher's Synopsis

In the Arena: Stories of Political Life by Booth Tarkington is a collection of short stories that delves into the complexities of American politics in the early 20th century. The book offers a keen social commentary on the power struggles, corruption, and political ambition that define the lives of those in public office. Each story captures the moral dilemmas faced by politicians as they navigate the often murky waters of governance and civic duty. Tarkington's writing provides a satirical look at human nature, exploring how individuals in positions of power grapple with their responsibilities and the temptations of corruption. The stories are rich in political intrigue, highlighting the challenges and ethical conflicts inherent in the pursuit of power. Through its vivid portrayal of political life, In the Arena remains a relevant exploration of the dynamics of governance, making it a thought-provoking read for anyone interested in the intersection of politics and human behavior.

Book information

ISBN: 9789365788372
Publisher: Double9 Books Llp
Imprint: Double 9 Books
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 116
Weight: -1g
Height: 216mm
Width: 140mm
Spine width: 7mm