In Your Nature

In Your Nature

Paperback (01 Apr 2025)

  • $19.06

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Publisher's Synopsis

Poems that show us a world in which precedent for gender transition is everywhere if you know how to look.

"I delete my history / badly," writes Estlin McPhee in this searing, witty, lyrical, and elegiac debut collection of poems about intersections of trans identity, magic, myth, family, and religion. The line refers at once to a young person's browser data that reveals an interest in gender transition; an adult's efforts to reconcile complicated relationships; a culture's campaign to erase queerness and transness from the historical record; and a religion's attempt to pretend that its own particular brand of miraculous transformation is distinct from the kind found in folktales or real life. Populated by transmasculine werewolves, homoerotic Jesuses, adolescent epiphanies, dutiful sisters, boy bands, witches, mothers who speak in tongues, and nonnas who cross the sea, this is a book in which relational and narrative continuity exists, paradoxically, as a series of ruptures with the known.

Book information

ISBN: 9781771316439
Publisher: Brick Books
Imprint: Brick Books
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 96
Weight: 191g
Height: 216mm
Width: 146mm
Spine width: 9mm