Publisher's Synopsis
IN A GLASS DARKLY (1872) is a three volume collection of five short stories in the horror and mystery genres, presented as the posthumous papers of the occult detective Dr Hesselius: In this Volume One, the Daemonic monkey in "Green Tea" could be a delusion of the story's protagonist, who is the only person to see it; in "The Familiar", Captain Barton's death seems to be supernatural, but is not actually witnessed, and the ghostly owl may be a real bird. "Mr Justice Harbottle" is better known as "An Account of Some Strange Disturbances in Aungier Street" IN A GLASS DARKLY (1872) is a three volume collection of five short stories in the horror and mystery genres, presented as the posthumous papers of the occult detective Dr Hesselius. In this Volume Three, is the final chapter of "The Room in the Dragon Volant", not a ghost story but a notable mystery story that includes the theme of premature burial which is started in Vol 2. and "Carmilla", a compelling tale of a lesbian vampire, set in central Europe which was the inspiration for several films, including Hammer's The Vampire Lovers. "Carmilla" holds an important place in shifting the portrayal of vampires in modern fiction, proceeding Dracula. He had enormous influence on one of the 20th century's most important ghost story writers, M. R. James, and although his work fell out of favour in the early part of the 20th century, towards the end of the century interest in his work increased and remains comparatively strong. Today's reader will be able to explore one's own vision of the details through Le Fanu's style and technique. Le Fanu's best tales, such as the vampire novella Carmilla, (In Volume Three) remain some of the most powerful in the genre. He had enormous influence on one of the 20th century's most important ghost story writers, M. R. James, and although his work fell out of favour in the early part of the 20th century, towards the end of the century interest in his work increased and remains comparatively strong. Today's reader will be able to explore one's own vision of the details through Le Fanu's style and technique. SORCERESS CAGLIASTRO and NORTH SEA TALES INC. have created the RESCUING KNOWLEDGE PROJECT to offer lost books to modern readers