Improve Your Piano Grade 1!

Improve Your Piano Grade 1! - Improve Your Piano Grade!

Paperback (01 Dec 2014)

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Publisher's Synopsis

This revolutionary new series presents Paul Harris's Simultaneous Learning approach to teaching music. Co-written with Richard Crozier, this book gives guidance on how to tackle the nine pieces in the ABRSM publication Piano Exam Pieces Grade 1 2015 & 2016 with the most holistic approach.

Every piece is looked at in detail, the crucial 'ingredients' are listed and a series of activities and ideas outlined for different stages: Pre-notation work, Introducing the notation and Playing and refining the piece. There is also a photocopiable pupil's worksheet for each piece.

Because all aspects of musical training are connected through the Simultaneous Learning approach, the activities also improve every aspect of exam preparation. Aural, sight-reading, theory and scale and arpeggio practice will be transformed and pupils' overall understanding of music greatly enhanced.

Book information

ISBN: 9780571538812
Publisher: Faber Music
Imprint: Faber Music
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 48
Weight: 164g
Height: 210mm
Width: 298mm
Spine width: 1mm