Publisher's Synopsis
Introducing the third book from the "If Jesus Was My Teacher" series. Letter D is for. David and Goliath.
David decided to fight Goliath with just a slingshot and five stones. Everyone thought he was crazy, but David knew that God was with him. He bravely went to face Goliath and with one shot from his slingshot, he hit Goliath in the head and defeated him. David's faith and bravery helped him to overcome the giant and protect his village.
Kids today can also be brave like David. They may face challenges that seem impossible to overcome, but with faith and determination, they can achieve great things. Just like David, they can trust in God and believe in themselves. They can also use their talents and skills to help others and make a difference in the world. Remember, even the smallest person can do big things with faith and courage!
It is super important to have faith like a kid, just like you! Kids have a special kind of pure and innocent faith, and we should all try to be like them. We should trust in Jesus with kid-like confidence, knowing he loves us very much and has a super cool plan for our lives. Let's always remember Jesus's incredible love for us and trust him with all our hearts.