I Write

I Write

Paperback (14 Jul 2014)

  • $41.20
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Publisher's Synopsis

I Write functions as an introductory textbook for English Composition I, typically the first of two required composition classes for almost any four-year university student. The text has a very specific creator (university faculty who have a history with the English language and certain demands and expectations regarding English Composition students), a specific audience (college students, traditional, adult, all of various ages, races, faiths, and backgrounds), and a particular medium (in this case an e-text, a source designed from the start to be used on various electronic devices). What this book contains and how it approaches the subject matter, then, effectually bridges the gap between what students learned (or in some cases did not learn) in high school and the type of writing they will be expected to submit as college students, professionals, and as rational, free-thinking persons in general. The goal aims higher than simply completing a necessary step in ascending the staircase of professional supremacy (a fancy way of saying it's about more than just worldly success). It promises much, much more than that.

Book information

ISBN: 9780988660007
Publisher: Inkwell Unlimited, LLC
Imprint: Inkwell Unlimited, LLC
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 138
Weight: 336g
Height: 279mm
Width: 216mm
Spine width: 8mm