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I Love You More Than More

I Love You More Than More

Hardback (12 Mar 2014)

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Publisher's Synopsis

This story will warm your heart and make you smile as you follow the growing "I love you more" debate between a father and daughter. In the end they find that real love is beyond measuring. "Parents and children will enjoy this warm and inspiring story as the 'I love you more' debate comes alive." R. Gossen "I Love You More Than More" is as sweet and endearing as a children's book could be. It leaves you with the feeling that you've just drank a warm cup of cocoa and gotten a big hug." R. Wolters This book was inspired by an actual incident, when my then six-year old daughter ended an "I-love-you-more" debate by declaring, "Dad, I love you MORE than more." I had to record the event, adding a little imaginative exaggeration. It is dedicated to both my daughters, Cate and Allison, who I love "more than more."

Book information

ISBN: 9781629522425
Publisher: Salem Publishing Solutions
Imprint: Xulon Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 28
Weight: 268g
Height: 244mm
Width: 170mm
Spine width: 6mm