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I Can Be an Instrument of Peace: Based on the Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi

I Can Be an Instrument of Peace: Based on the Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi

Paperback (03 Oct 2021)

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Hardback (06 Sep 2021) $24.51

Publisher's Synopsis

What can we do to help bring healing and peace to a broken world? In this gentle retelling of the Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi, Dr. MaryJo Burchard exposes the power every person possesses to bring hope and healing. Follow along with Leanna Zeibak's thoughtful illustrations, as a young boy confronts devastation by quietly setting out to mend one broken thing at a time. The reader is immersed in stark contrasts between light and dark, as the boy encounters fear and courage, love and hate, watching as the tiniest light gradually transforms the deepest darkness. Inspiring for all ages, this book will help you hear the words of Saint Francis of Assisi again for the first time, and see your own life as a prayer for peace.

Book information

ISBN: 9780578998848
Publisher: Neoteny Press
Imprint: Neoteny Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 48
Weight: 136g
Height: 216mm
Width: 216mm
Spine width: 3mm