Publisher's Synopsis
The book I AM was written as a Manifesto for Global Prosperity. The author guides the reader in how we can achieve and enrich our lives to live a prosperous, healthy and active lifestyle for all inhabitants on this planet. He provides insights on how you can use the I AM to rid disease from your body as well as to achieve your greatest potentials. New truths are provided on how one can utilize the Universe in your everyday life. Find out how you can connect with the Divinity within yourself. Up until now, there have been barriers in place to limit your Free Choice. It is imperative that many people become informed about what is really happening in the world to prevent people from achieving abundance. The author writes about these barriers and together we can unite to break down these walls in this highly informative book. Everyone has a part to play in this global challenge to end the darkness. He shows the reader how the Light is growing stronger. There will be a day soon when people will come together for some common goals to end the poisoning of our food, medicines, vaccines and water. Humanity will realize that killing others is barbaric and soon there will be no need for perpetual wars being waged to thin out the population. The writer shows how we can end global terrorism. Many are dissatisfied with the old two-party political system. At one time both parties did want to achieve goodness in America and for others across the planet. Today that no longer exists and both the Democratic and Republican parties exist to execute the dark desires of the globalists. You will read how the globalists fear an open society. The author introduces "Conscious Politics" in leading towards a higher political thinking beyond the right and the left. The author provides insights from Kryon in the Appendix. The author gives you a glimpse of the year 2033 and what to expect when the world has achieved global peace. Some amazing new inventions will be coming our way that will create new industries. Imagine a new economic system that is not based upon greed and a redistribution of the wealth to the rich and powerful. A new economic system that is based on integrity and compassion, when it comes to Big Money. We can end global poverty and human suffering. Don't wait for the politicians to fix what they had broken. You need to become involved not apathetic. There are solutions to achieve a global peace and prosperity. Learn how you can become a part of this Divine blueprint to manifest a prosperous world. The author writes about his many miracles that he has personally witnessed. This book was revised in March 2017 to reflect the new energies on this planet. A new divine energy from God was made on page 74 of this book. Here is a miracle pertaining to this book that the author posted on Facebook. "I just had a wild experience. I was making some revisions in my book I AM and had just completed my additional writings before I transferred them over into my book. I walked away for a little while and when I came back there was a revision to the last words that I had written. With those last words, the font style had been changed, and the font size was much bigger. The font color was changed to blue in those last words. Those alterations I did not make. However, I will include those revisions from a "higher source" in my book." Here are the last words that I have added in my book revision on page 74: May God bless those who seek the Light... and so it is.