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I Am Not a Camel

I Am Not a Camel Animals in the Desert - Pebble Sprout

Hardback (28 Mar 2024)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Deserts can be hot and dry, but that doesn't bother me! I love the heat and enjoy sunbathing, but I am not a horned lizard. I spend most of my life underground, but I am not a desert tortoise. What desert animal am I? Read the clues and guess! Each book in the What Animal Am I? series gradually builds up a set of clues and enables readers to work out which animal is being discussed. Along the way, other animals that live in the same places are revealed, further narrowing the range of possibilities. Can you guess which animal is being featured by the end of each book?

Book information

ISBN: 9781398253391
Publisher: Capstone Global Library
Imprint: Raintree
Pub date:
DEWEY: 591.754
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 32
Weight: 316g
Height: 205mm
Width: 261mm
Spine width: 10mm