Publisher's Synopsis
This is a story of a man who, during a difficult time in his life coping with a failed marriage and single parenthood, met a young lady who misled him about her age bringing about criminal charges by a state's prosecutor hell bent on nailing him to the cross for being one of the lowest forms of life in their small southern hick town - a nigger lover. This is a story about race relations in America, black-and-white love and heartbreak, and the events that led up to this man being branded a child molester despite the fact HE DIDN'T EVEN KNOW HE WAS BREAKING THE LAW. FOR LIFE.
With all the news this past decade about women in the 'Me Too' movement coming forward to reveal violations perpetrated upon them years ago most often by men, what about me when a young girl misled me about her age which led to me getting arrested and convicted and yet I NEVER EVEN KNEW I WAS BREAKING THE LAW! So I ask you what about me?